Scientific Organisation

[Version française]

     The journal Music as Act is organised on the basis of three decision-making bodies: an editorial team, an advisory panel and a review team.

Editorial team

     The editorial team of the journal Musique en acte comprises an editorial director, an editor-in-chief for each issue, an editorial board and an editorial secretary. The editorial team is responsible for the general running of the journal, ensuring that the review procedure runs smoothly, that the articles published are of high quality and that the editorial policy is followed.

Eidtorial director
Alessandro Arbo (Université de Strasbourg)

Editorial Board
Nathalie Hérold (Sorbonne Université), Juan David Barrera (Éducation nationale), José Luis Besada (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Olivier Class (Écoles de Musique de Molsheim et de Mutzig), Benjamin Lassauzet (Université Clermont-Auvergne), Eric Maestri (Conservatorio di Musica Niccolò Paganini, Genova), Nicolò Palazzetti (Université de Strasbourg), Julie Walker (Université de Strasbourg)

Editorial secretary

Alexandre Freund-Lehmann (Université de Strasbourg)

Advisory panel

     The Advisory panel of the journal Musique en acte comprises national and international specialists whose fields of research are closely related to the academic fields covered by the journal. The members of the Advisory panel are consulted regularly, especially for the review of articles.

Advisory panel

Moreno Andreatta (CNRS), Mondher Ayari (Université de Strasbourg), Anne-Sylvie Barthel-Calvet (Université de Lorraine), Alessandro Bertinetto (Università di Torino), Pierre Couprie (Sorbonne Université), François Delalande (INA/GRM), Michel Duchesneau (Université de Montréal), Grazia Giacco (Université de Strasbourg), Márta Grabócz (Université de Strasbourg), Xavier Hascher (Université de Strasbourg), Richard Hermann (University of New Mexico), Philippe Lalitte (Sorbonne Université), Pierre Michel (Université de Strasbourg), Christophe Pirenne (Université de Liège), John Rink (University of Cambridge), Mathieu Schneider (Université de Strasbourg), Thomas Troge (Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe)

Review team

     Each article submitted to the journal Musique en acte is subject to a minimum of two double-blind reviews. The reviewers, chosen by the editorial team, are members of the journal's Advisory panel or external specialists whose research interests are closely related to the content of the article to be reviewed.

Review team since 2019

Moreno Andreatta (CNRS), Anne-Sylvie Barthel-Calvet (Université de Lorraine), Erica Bisesi (Institut Pasteur, Paris), Frédéric de Buzon (Université de Strasbourg), Pierre Couprie (Sorbonne Université), Laurent Cugny (Sorbonne Université), François Delalande (INA/GRM), Grazia Giacco (Université de Strasbourg), Richard Hermann (University of New Mexico), Philippe Lalitte (Sorbonne Université), Pierre Michel (Université de Strasbourg), Pierre Saint-Germier (IRCAM), Thomas Troge (Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe)

Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Opéra National du Rhin
Conservatoire de Strasbourg