The online journal Musique en acte considers music from the viewpoint of its concrete expression and material realisation – in a word, its “enactment”. It therefore provides a platform for the study and discussion of a wide range of practices involved in composition, improvisation, performance and listening, and, more generally, anything related to “music making”. Contributions that offer critical insight into musicological practices, particularly in their interaction with musical praxis and productions are also welcome.
The journal covers all musical repertoires (early, baroque, classical-romantic and contemporary art music, popular music, traditional music, etc.) and all types of methodological approaches (analytical, theoretical, aesthetic, historical, etc.). It also gives prominence to the experimental dimension of research in all its forms (collaborations with musicians, fieldwork, production and processing of experimental data, etc.), as well as to the interdisciplinary juxtapositions and interrelations between musicology and other fields in the human and social sciences, as well as the so-called hard sciences.
Musique en acte is an academic peer-reviewed journal that publishes regular issues with contributions written in French and English. Its main target readership is the research community interested in music and the science of music based on an approach that encompasses theory and practice, research and creation, intellect and sensibility.
Created by the GRÉAM research centre (Groupe de Recherches expérimentales sur l'Acte Musical) in 2020, la revue Musique en acte est soutenue depuis 2021 par l'Institut thématique interdisciplinaire CREAA (Centre de Recherche et d'Expérimentation sur l'Acte Artistique) et The journal Musique en acte has been supported since 2021 by the CREAA research centre (Centre de Recherche et d'Expérimentation sur l'Acte Artistique) and by the UR 3402 - ACCRA research unit (Approches Contemporaines de la Création et de la Réflexion Artistiques), and published by the Arts Faculty of the Strasbourg University. Its Managing Director is the President of the University of Strasbourg, Michel Deneken.
ISSN : 2740-4048