Le 30 juin 2017
de 18h00 à 19h30
Le Patio (université de Strasbourg)
22 rue René Descartes, 67000 Strasbourg
amphithéâtre Cavaillès
Modérateurs : Jean-Michel Bardez (représentant de la SFAM, vice-president of SFAM), Marie-Noëlle Masson (président de la SFAM), Nicolas Meeùs (président de la SBAM, membre du bureau de la SFAM) et Nathalie Hérold (secrétaire de la SFAM)
The ‘Meeting of the European Societies for Music Analysis and Theory’ is an opportunity for all the members of the societies attending EuroMAC 9 to meet and discuss a range of topics related to the role of their societies in the field of music analysis and theory. The meeting is also open to all EuroMAC 9 participants who wish to be kept up to date concerning the situation of music analysis and theory in Europe, as well as the future projects of the European societies for music analysis and theory.