Le 29 juin 2017
de 9h30 à 10h00
Le Patio (université de Strasbourg)
22 rue René Descartes, 67000 Strasbourg
salle 3203
Séance - Leaving – and Regaining – the Shores of Tonality
Pré-acte / Acte
Auteur : Bert van Herck
In this paper the evolution of Scriabin’s musical language will be discussed with particular attention to the development of the mystic chord. Late Scriabin is recognized as being post-tonal. Yet, there is no clear point when Scriabin abandoned tonality and started embracing post-tonal music. As a matter of fact the mystic chord that characterizes the late music has roots in his earlier compositions. Starting with a preference for the Neapolitan chord, Scriabin transitions to an emphasis on the augmented sixth chord, to finally merge this with the dominant seventh chord in a specific voicing. This gradual transition from early tonal music under the influence of Chopin, until his remarkable personal style at the end will be presented. The emphasis is therefore on the gradual transition from tonality to post-tonality. The aim is: first to bridge the traditional rupture between tonality and post-tonality; and second to look at Scriabin’s post-tonal music in a different perspective. While the traditional tonality has been transformed, there are some remains of the old language that still shape the post-tonal compositions. This may bring a new perspective on how to approach the late music of Scriabin.