Le 29 juin 2017
de 12h00 à 12h30
Le Patio (université de Strasbourg)
22 rue René Descartes, 67000 Strasbourg
salle 3201
Séance - Teaching and Pedagogy (I)
Pré-acte / Acte
Auteur : Edward Venn
In an increasingly crowded music educational landscape, music analysis faces numerous challenges. For instance, within UK Higher Education, music analysis jostles with other areas of study for space on the curriculum; growth in student numbers (particularly in the 1990s) render problematic traditional pedagogical methods; and changes to pre-HE education have lead to an increase in undergraduates who possess skill sets and knowledge bases that often map obliquely, if at all, onto those required for theory and analysis.
This paper focuses on the opportunities that the twenty-first century provides for blended learning as a tool for delivering music analysis to a generation of students who, broadly speaking, arrive in HE with greater technological than analytical competence. These opportunities include the use of podcasts, on-line tests, flipped classrooms, lecture capture, and collaborative learning spaces, all of which can be used to complement traditional modes of teaching music analysis and lead to a rethinking and recontextualisation of music analysis pedagogy.
The paper will present a reflective analysis of the author’s ongoing implementation of blended learning strategies to enhance the student experience in the delivery of analysis of common-practice music (including Schenkerian analysis and Formenlehre) and popular music. It will situate this work against the background of pedagogical developments within the author’s host institution, the most important of which in the recent installation of collaborative lecture spaces that allow students to present their work immediately for scrutiny by their peers and tutors.