3.F.1. The Fulfillment of Mattheson's “Quart-Wunder”: 18th-Century Performance Practice and the Gradual Standardization of a New Cadential PatternDavid Lodewyckx - 28 juin 2017, 14h00-14h30, amphithéâtre 43.F.2. An Investigation of the Cadence in Early Nineteenth-Century SyntaxMaddie Kavanagh Clarke - 28 juin 2017, 14h30-15h00, amphithéâtre 43.F.3. “Family Resemblance” and the Classical Cadence Typology: Classification Using Phylogenetic TreesDavid Sears - 28 juin 2017, 15h00-15h30, amphithéâtre 43.F.4. The “Reopened” Half Cadence: A Striking Cadential AnomalyWilliam E. Caplin - 28 juin 2017, 16h00-16h30, amphithéâtre 43.F.5. On Metrically Weak Cadential 6/4sBoyd Pomeroy - 28 juin 2017, 16h30-17h00, amphithéâtre 4