3.A.1. Form and Teleology Beyond the Tonal System Around 1910Ramiro Limongi - 28 juin 2017, 14h00-14h30, amphithéâtre 53.A.2. Making Sense of Pitch in the “Free Atonal” Second Viennese School Repertoire: A Teleological Approach based on Salience ConditionsDaniel Moreira - 28 juin 2017, 14h30-15h00, amphithéâtre 53.A.3. Musical Reference in Alban Berg’s String Quartet op. 3Philip Stoecker - 28 juin 2017, 15h00-15h30, amphithéâtre 53.A.4. Is the Twelve-Tone System Inherently Organicist? A Reflection on Conflicting Perspectives, with Notes on AnalysisZachary Bernstein - 28 juin 2017, 16h00-16h30, amphithéâtre 53.A.5. Berg’s Piano Sonata and Reverse OrganicismMatthew Arndt - 28 juin 2017, 16h30-17h00, amphithéâtre 5