Mario Baroni was full professor, and former director, in the Department of Music of the University of Bologna. For many years he guided the section of Systematic Musicology in the Doctoral School of the same University. He has now retired. In 1990 he founded the Italian association for the analysis and theory of music (Gruppo Analisi e Teoria Musicale). He was one of the promoters of the foundation of ESCOM (European Society for the Study of Cognitive Aspects of Music), and president for three years of this society. He has published works on music analysis, emotional aspects of music experience, social impact of music, methodology of music education and historical topics, particularly of 20th century music.
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Conférence semi-plénière 7.C : Performance and Analysis: An Empirical Research on the Interactions between Analysts and Performers
Séance - Epistemology and Musical Hermeneutics 13.B.3 : On the Future of Music Analysis