Professor at Paris-Sorbonne University, permanent member of Institut de recherche en musicologie (CNRS-BnF-Paris-Sorbonne), and Vice-president of the French Society of Music Analysis (SFAM), his writings are devoted to the musical language evolution, musical semiotic and rhetoric, the Berlioz’s works, exoticism in music. He authored L’Harmonie classique and romantique and is co-author of L’essor du romantisme : la fantaisie pour clavier de C. P. E. Bach à Franz Liszt with Jeanne Roudet, co-editor of Antoine Reicha, compositeur et théoricien with Herbert Schneider and Louise Bernard de Raymond. He takes part in the Complete Edition of the works of Gabriel Fauré edition by Bärenreiter as member of the scientific committee.
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Conférence plénière 1 : L’analyse musicale, une discipline autonome ?